Stationary Wood Chippers For Sale

Wood Chippers - Stationary 

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2023 Stringer Industries
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2023 Stringer Industries
$ 14,500

Uses Precision Parts Morbark 58", 3-knife chipper price is loaded on buyer's truck, (ref #151) Amy Cross 928-723-9449

 Union, WV
Kittrell Sawmill Brokers and Appraisers

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Morbark 48" Horizontal Infeed Vertical Discharge with Dust Blower Off Chip Pack

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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Morbark 66" chipper

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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Morbark 66" Chipper

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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48" 3 Knife Morbark Chip Pac Serial # 789

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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58" Morbark 3 Knife Chipper

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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Morbark 48" 3-Knife Chip Pack

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

$ 16,500

MORBARK 48-3 CHIPPER Recently refurbished Morbark 48 inch 3 knife chipper New knives, counter knives (2 sets) 50hp motor and paint Disc and bearings are in good shape Belts are in good shape the machine runs smoothly little to no vibration.

Keith Comeau

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Morbark 48" 3 Knife Chipper W/ 50HP Electric Motor

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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Morbark 58" 3 Knife Chipper with 200HP Electric Motor S/N B-318

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

$ 8,200

58? MORBARK 3 knife chipper; horizonal feed-top discharge; box-type fan blades; fair to good condition. Machine has been patched but well done. Chipper sheave and blow pipe included. PRICE: $8,200. OBO

 Burlington, NC

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Nice Newman G-280 tub grinder. Everything functional just needs cleaned.

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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Nice Newman G-280 that has been refreshed. Has extra cylinder wheels that come with it.

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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Complete Chip Mill that is ready to be moved System includes: - Log Deck - Log Singulator - Control Room - Nicholson A5 Debarker - Peeled Log Outfeed Bin - Reclaim Log Infeed Deck - Bark conveyor and stacker - Bark Shredder - Progress 84" 6 Knife Chipper w/ 600 HP Motor - Progress Chip Screen: 7'x14' - Chip Blower and Truck Loading Conveyor - MCC Center

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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Nicholson Flat Drum Chipper 9'5' x 55" Includes: Trailer, AC power, belt conveyor, switch gear option. System chipped just over 120 truckloads

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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Passavant MDL 106.4-110D 3K Chipper S/N 504113

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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48" Beloit-Passavant Chipper

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

$ 170,000

PETERSON PACIFIC 5000G WOOD CHIPPER (DIESEL) --Specifications: CAT 3412E 1000 HP Diesel Engine; 3-Flail, Key Knife system currently set for 5/8 chip size. --Recent Machine Overhauls (per Seller): Overhung load adapters both replaced within 1000 hrs Fan pump replaced within 1500 hrs Swing/ boom pump replaced within 750 hrs Stick boom pump replaced within 100 hrs Engine computer less than 750 hours High pressure fuel pump less than 750 hours New radiator last summer Update main boom pump & flow divider last fall Installed a new seat 2 years ago New muffler New auxiliary bark pusher pump --Includes: Spare flail pump, Spare flail motor, New feed roll teeth, Spare belts, Spare pins, Seal kits, Spare clutch, Various other Spare parts --Hours: To be advised. --Contact Us for Competitive Leasing Options! --All equipment is advertised to the best of our knowledge and everything is sold “AS IS"; with no guarantees.

Heather DePolo
800-374-5009 ext:400

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Precision 58" Chipper - Model 58-60-16 6 Knife 150 HP Motor

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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Complete chip plant includes: - The infeed is 12’ above ground level. They were feeding it one log at a time with a shovel. - There is a single chain 12” wide leading to the debarker. - The debarker is a Salem 20” ring debarker with mcdiarmond controls. - From the debarker it goes through I think is a metal detector. It’s is enclosed, 8’ long with a belt conveyor. - 75’ of 3-strand chain that reduces to 2-strand chain for 35’ then goes to another 2-strand chain for 12’ then goes into the chipper. - The chipper is a Precision with 2- 400 hp high efficiency 3 phase motors. - From the chipper the chips drop onto a 42”x50’ inclined belt that leads to the 2 deck screen. The screen is 92”x20’ - The waste goes on a 9”x20’ incline belt and dropped into a truck. - The chips go out on a 3-strand 100’ conveyor (strands are 14” wide) to a radial stacker for loading trucks. The stacker belt is 42”x65’ - Chips can be redirected to blower unit system that will transport them to a rail siding to so they can be loaded into a rail area. It starts out with 75’ of 12” pipe running on the ground. Then it sweeps straight up to a height of about 24’ and goes 150’ to a siding across the county road. The chip loading facility is intact. - The hog is located back by where the logs are loaded onto the chain going to debarker. Here’s a list of the conveyors going back to the Kockums hog. It has a 24”x36” opening at the top. - Conveyors: 12”x100’, 12”x 25’, 12”x60’. All of these conveyors are 1 strand steel.

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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  • Location: 2508 Pillow Dr. Columbia, TN 38401
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