Radial Arm Saws For Sale

Radial Arm Saws 

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$ 5,050

CAM-WOOD RS-640X Radial Arm Saw Sturdy cast iron frame for saw head and arm.Specifications: -- 4 HP motor; 4-1/8" cutting depth with 14" dia. blade; 43" max. trimming width x 24" max. crosscut. Equipped with: -- Laser Light, magnetic starter, and overload protection. -- Positive locking device for tilting. -- Saw head that glides on ball-bearings against a hardened steel surface; spring-loaded saw head return. -- Large 44" x 33-3/4" wooden table. -- Heavy gauge steel base and legs for solid support. Features: -- 0° - 180° Saw head rotation (horizontal); 0 - 90° head tilting (vertical), with positive locks on a rotating head. Includes: -- Upper & lower blade guards and anti-kickback attachment.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 6,050

CAM-WOOD RS-660X Radial Arm SawSturdy cast iron frame for saw head and arm.Specifications: -- 4.5 HP Motor; 5-1/8" cutting depth with 16" dia. blade; 45" max. trimming width x 35" max. crosscut. -- Large 32" x 45" wooden table. -- Magnetic starter and overload protection. -- 0° - 180° Saw head rotation with positive locks on rotating head. Features & Equipped with: -- Saw head that glides on ball-bearings against a hardened steel surface. -- Heavy gauge steel base & legs for solid support. -- Positive locking device for tilting. -- Motor brake, upper & lower blade guards, and anti-kickback attachment. -- Dado Option: Dado capacity 1" wide, 10" blade, 1" bore......... please inquire for extra cost.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 4,250

CAM-WOOD RS-612X Radial Arm Saw Sturdy cast iron frame for saw head and arm.Specifications: -- 2 HP Single-phase motor; 3-1/8" cutting depth with 10-12" dia. blade; 27" max. trimming width x 16-1/2" max. crosscut; 1" dia. spindle. Equipped with: -- Magnetic starter, and overload protection. -- Positive locking device for tilting. -- Saw head that glides on ball-bearings against a hardened steel surface; spring-loaded saw head return. -- 25-1/2" x 31-1/2" wooden table. -- Heavy gauge steel base and legs for solid support. Features: -- 0° - 180° Saw head rotation (horizontal); 0 - 90° head tilting (vertical), with positive locks on a rotating head. Includes: -- Upper & lower blade guards and anti-kickback attachment.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 1,250

DEWALT - GA (563A), ...Radial Arm Saw -- 14" Blade cap.; 1" arbor; 3 HP - 3,425 RPM motor; 16" cutoff cap.; 4" depth of cut. -- 20" x 50" Table; hand crank raise & lower. - Complete with: Blade guard; 4" dia. dust outlet, and starter.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 9,300

DEWALT GE 20" Radial Arm Saw Specifications: -- 7.5 HP TEFC Saw motor; 20" dia. blade; 1" x 3-1/8" saw arbor; -- 6" Thickness cap. @ 90°, 27" max. crosscut cap. cutting 2" board; 42" rip cap. with 52" long arm; 2" dado capacity. Complete with: -- Blade guard, magnetic starter, stand, carriage return mechanism. Includes: -- (1) New 20" blade.Optional: -- VFD Electric brake.Note: Photos are not of actual machines, but they represent the state of "Reconditioning"

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 6,350

DEWALT GA 16" Radial Arm Saw Specifications: -- 5 HP TEFC Saw motor; 16" dia. blade; 1" x 3-1/8" saw arbor; 4" thickness cap. @ 90°, 19" crosscut cap., cutting 1" board with long arm. -- Complete with: -- Blade guard, magnetic starter, stand, carriage return mechanism. -- Optional: -- Electric brake. -- Photo not of actual machine.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

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Dewalt Radial Arm Saw

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

$ 10,900

DEWALT - 35 Series Super Duty, ...22" Radial Arm SawSpecifications: -- 7.5 HP TEFC Saw motor; 22" dia. blade; 52" long arm; 1" x 3-1/8" saw arbor; 7" thickness cap. @ 90°; 26" crosscut cap.; 40" rip cap. -- Complete with: -- Blade guard, magnetic starter, stand, and carriage return mechanism. -- Optional: Electric brake.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 950

DEWALT 10" Radial Arm Saw. -- Specifications: -- Blade diameter: 10"; Table size: 27" x 30" x 36" H.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 16,555

OMGA RADIAL ARM SAW 900-7 -- Specifications: -- 7 HP Saw motor, 35-1/2" crosscut cap. at 90°; 24-15/16" @ 45°; 5-7/8" max. thickness cap. at 90°, 4-3/16" at 45°; 43-5/16" rip cap.; 18" dia. blade with 1" bore; 2" max. dado cap.; 3,400 RPM arbor speed. -- Features: -- Solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks; carriages that travel on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life; 180° swivel of entire saw carriage for mitered crosscuts; 45° saw head tilt for compound miter cuts. -- Complete with: -- Spring loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut; oversized replaceable wooden tabletop with full length back fence; fabricated open steel base; electro-magnetic brake to stop the blade within (2) seconds. -- Includes: -- Magnetic controls, push button controls & thermal overload switch. -- Options: Blade, Dado head guard, Dust collection system, & roller tables for infeed & outfeed.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 8,491

OMGA RADIAL ARM SAW MODEL 900 Series RN Solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks. -- Carriage travels on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life. -- 180° Swivel of entire saw carriage for making mitered crosscuts. -- 45° Saw head tilt for compound miter cuts. -- Spring loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut. -- Oversized replaceable wooden tabletop with full length back fence. -- Fabricated open steel base. -- Electromagnetic brake to stop the blade within (2) Sec. -- Magnetic controls, push button controls & thermal overload switch. -- Options: Single-phase motor, Blade, Dado head guard, Dust collection system, and Roller tables for infeed & outfeed.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 8,157

OMGA RN-700 RADIAL ARM SAW Specifications & features: -- 5 HP, 27-1/2" Crosscut cap. @ 90°; 19-7/16" @ 45°. -- Solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks. -- Carriage travels on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life. -- Self-centering locking in the positions of the main angles in (3) places, the saw arm (1), the motor & blade assembly swivel (2), and the motor carriage tilt (3); additionally manual locking at all intermediate angles. -- Easy and extremely practical unlocking of the arm for left/right swing on the front of the beam. -- Swiveling of the saw blade assembly and tilting of the blade on the vertical and horizontal axes. -- Standard overload protection with no-volt coil and motor brake. -- Spring-loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut. -- Oversized replaceable wooden tabletop with a full-length back fence. -- Fabricated open steel base. -- Magnetic controls, push-button controls & thermal overload switch. -- Options: Single-phase motors, Blade, Dado head guard, Dust collection system, & Roller tables for infeed & outfeed.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 11,185

OMGA RADIAL 600 P3S Radial Arm Saw - 24" Crosscut Solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks. -- Carriage travels on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life. -- 180° Swivel of entire saw carriage for mitered crosscuts. -- 45° Saw head tilt for compound miter cuts. -- Spring loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut. -- Oversized replaceable wooden tabletop with full length back fence. -- Fabricated open steel base. -- Electromagnetic brake to stop the blade within (2) Seconds. -- Magnetic controls, push button controls & thermal overload switch. -- Options: Single-phase motor, Blade, Dado head guard, Dust collection system, and Roller tables for infeed & outfeed.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 7,789

OMGA RN 450 Radial Arm SawSpecifications: -- 3 HP Saw motor; 12" blade; 17-3/4" crosscut cap.; 26-3/4" rip cap.; 3-1/2" @ 90° thickness cap., 2-1/2" at 45°; 1-1/2" dado cap.; solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks. Equipped with: -- Carriage that travels on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life.180° Swivel of entire saw carriage for making mitered crosscuts; 45° saw head tilt for compound miter cuts; spring-loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut. Complete with: -- Oversized replaceable wooden table top with full-length back fence; fabricated open steel base; electro-magnetic brake to stop the blade within (2) seconds. Includes: -- Magnetic controls, push button controls & thermal overload switch. -- Single-phase 2 HP motor available.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 18,526

OMGA Radial 1250-7 Radial Arm Saw -- Specifications: 7 HP Saw motor, 43.897" crosscut cap. at 90°; 6-7/8" thickness cap. at 90°, 4-7/8" at 45°; 59" rip cap.; 20" dia. blade with 1" bore; 1-3/4" max. dado cap.; 3,400 RPM Arbor Speed. -- Features: Solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks. -- Carriage travels on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life. -- 180° Swivel of entire saw carriage for mitered crosscuts. -- 45° Saw head tilt for compound miter cuts. -- Complete with: Spring loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut; 58" x 44" replaceable wooden tabletop with full length back fence; fabricated open steel base; electromagnetic brake to stop the blade within (2) Seconds. -- Includes: Magnetic controls, push button controls & thermal overload switch. -- OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT WHEN ORDERED WITH MACHINE: -- Automatic Air-Over-Oil Head Feed System, foot pedal activated, add $4,379.00 -- Vertical Pneumatic Clamp, add $ 675 -- Horizontal Pneumatic Clamp, add $929 -- RH or LH Roller Table, 6'-7" X 24", add $1,687 -- 3' Aluminum Fence Extension, add $410 -- 6' Aluminum Fence Extension, add $580

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

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OMGA Radial Arm Saw

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

$ 4,950

OMGA 900/7 FM RADIAL ARM SAW Specifications: -- 7 HP Saw motor, 35-1/2" crosscut cap. at 90°; 24-15/16" @ 45°; 5-7/8" max. thickness cap. at 90°, 4-3/16" at 45°; 43-5/16" rip cap.; 18" dia. blade with 1" bore; 2" max. dado cap.; 3,400 RPM arbor speed.Features: -- Solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks; carriages that travel on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life; -- 180° Swivel of entire saw carriage for mitered crosscuts; 45° saw head tilt for compound miter cuts.Complete with: -- Spring loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut; -- Oversized replaceable wooden tabletop with full length back fence; fabricated open steel base; -- Electro-magnetic brake to stop the blade within (2) seconds.Includes: -- Magnetic controls, push button controls & thermal overload switch.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 2,250

OMGA RN 450 Radial Arm SawSpecifications: 3 HP Saw motor; 12" blade; 17-3/4" crosscut cap.; 26-3/4" rip cap.; 3-1/2" @ 90° thickness cap., 2-1/2" at 45°; 1-1/2" dado cap.; solid saw carriage with replaceable tempered steel sliding tracks. -- Equipped with: -- Carriage that travels on (8) bearings with dust scrapers for smooth travel & extended track life.180° Swivel of entire saw carriage for making mitered crosscuts; 45° saw head tilt for compound miter cuts; spring-loaded return for safe return of saw head after completion of the cut. -- Complete with: -- Oversized replaceable wooden table top with full length back fence; fabricated open steel base; electro-magnetic brake to stop the blade within (2) seconds. -- Includes: -- Magnetic controls, push button controls & thermal overload switch.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

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Omga RN-600 FM Radial Arm SawSpecifications: -- Max. crosscut cap: 23-5/8" Wide x 4-1/2" deep (at 90°) -- 4 HP (2.9 kW) - 3,400 RPM motor -- 14" saw blade and a 1" dia. arbor; the saw head swivels & tilts both in the horizontal & vertical axis. -- 3-3/16" Depth of cut at 45° bevel cut, ripping cap. is 32-5/8", miters 45° to left & right. -- Table size of 27" x 26", wooden tabletop with built-up full-length back fence.Equipped with: Totally enclosed upper blade guard, gravity type lower blade guard, self-braking motor with electromagnetic brake (stops blade within approx. 2 Sec), magnetic controls, and push button station.Complete with: Steel fence and (8) position stops.Actual Model RN 600 FMNOTE: The above specs are taken from literature and considered accurate. As always please take advantage of the inspection period to verify. Items seen in the background are NOT a part of this Lot.

Kevin Welker
800-374-5009 ext:316

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The Original Radial Arm Saw 230/460 Volt 3Phase

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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