Wood-Mizer Releases Vortex Sawdust-Removal Bandsaw Blade

Wood-Mizer LLC, the world’s leading portable sawmill manufacturer, introduces the groundbreaking Vortex® sawdust-removal bandsaw blade. Available now in North America, Wood-Mizer’s new Vortex® blade is engineered for pallet producers who need boards as free from excess sawdust as possible.
Developed by long-time, hands-on Wood-Mizer Blades Specialist Chris Vogel, the Vortex® blade removes dust while sawing in order to minimize or eliminate the need for sawdust removal after the lumber is processed. This extremely unique blade profile has generated positive results in high-production pallet factory tests. Pallet producer, Jeff Coomer of Indiana-based Coomer & Sons Sawmill, tested the blade and says, “The Vortex blade was getting 98 to 99% of the dust off, so it was impressive on how much dust it took off [compared to] a typical saw blade.” Additionally, Paul Smith of Smith Sawmill Service in Texas says, “The new Vortex blade does a great job of getting the sawdust off the wood. It’s going to be an asset for companies trying to produce a clean pallet.”
The Wood-Mizer Vortex® blade is now available to order in .042 x 1 ¼ at any length. Call 800.522.5760 or visit www.woodmizer.com/vortex for more information.
Offering more than 60 basic blade profiles and an extensive array of combinations based on tooth profile, width, thickness, tooth set and tooth spacing, Wood-Mizer offers blades for any type of sawing application from softwoods to hardwoods. Order online at www.woodmizer.com/blades.

Since 1982, Wood-Mizer has become the world’s largest manufacturer of portable band sawmills with tens of thousands of bandmills sold. Today, Wood-Mizer offers portable & industrial sawmills, resaws, edgers, kilns, log splitters, bandsaw blades and blade maintenance equipment for woodworking hobbyists and forestry professionals all over the world.