Stringer Adds to Wear Part Line-Up

By: Stringer Industries  |   Tony Stringer  |   Published  601-876-3376

Stringer Industries became the owner and manufacturer of the Bark-King Debarker line in 2011. Bark-King is the longest lasting debarker head on the market today.

The Bark-King offers four standard sizes; 12” dia. x 12” long x 33 teeth, 12” dia. x 15” long x 42 teeth, 15” dia. x 12” long x 33 teeth, 15” dia. x 16” long x 45 teeth to fit most popular debarkers. The carbide teeth on the Bark-King may be indexed up to 6 times before teeth require replacing, outlasting all standard rosser head designs.

In addition, the Bark-King Depth Control bearing with guide shoes provides excellent control of the debarking process while saving you money by preserving wood fiber. It mounts using the same bolt holes as original bearings on most debarkers.

If you're debarking operation hasn't installed the Bark-King yet, you're wasting money on wear parts and losing fiber!

Smooth Running on ALL Makes and Sizes of Rosser Head Debarkers

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