Special Alert! The NHLA KD Certificate Has Been Approved for Mexico Acceptance Begins January 16, 2

Mexico has announced the accepted use of the NHLA Kiln Dried Certificate to be an acceptable proof of treatment for the purpose of importing kiln dried hardwood lumber.
On December 16, 2014 Mexico published in the Diaro Oficial (Mexico's Federal Register) a simplification of the import process for lumber. Beginning January 16, 2015 imports of lumber from the United States will no longer need a phytosanitary certificate from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to enter Mexico. Instead, a certificate from an APHIS-approved company detailing the treatment applied will by sufficient. (This change does not apply to green or wet wood.)
NHLA is verifying the information in this report and preparing to implement the program at any hardwood kiln facility interested in joining the NHLA Kiln Dried Certification Program. Current members of the program should check with NHLA prior to shipping to Mexico to verify that the border officials have been notified of the change.
An APHIS report Summary can be found here.
Click here for more information about the NHLA KD Certification Program.
Questions about this announcement or the NHLA KD Certification Program should be directed to Chief Inspector Dana Spessert at [email protected] or 901-399-7551.