McDonough AutoMAXX Resaw

By: McDonough Manufacturing Co.  |   Matt Tietz  |   Published  715-834-7755

McDonough has recently begun work on a new AutoMAXX resaw system, a revolutionary machine that re-imagines what a resaw can do. The AutoMAXX system combines physical controls with a visual operator interface, high-quality digital imaging and optimization to maximize yield of grade and input.
The AutoMAXX comes with complete automation of turning, fence sets, gap control and feeding that allows the operator to focus on cutting decisions and grade. This system increases yield of your highest-grade products, and increased line counts at equivalent feed speeds.
Requiring only one grader/operator, optimum saw feed speeds will reduce saw fatigue while increasing saw capacity. The PLC controlled turning, feeding and cant spacing will keep gaps to a minimum, even when changing sets.
McDonough invented the Travelling Bed Feed Resaw, now known as the Linebar Resaw, that revolutionized the sawmill industry. With the new AutoMAXX resaw system, McDonough is once again advancing resaw technology and capability.

McDonough Manufacturing Co.
McDonough Manufacturing Co.

The most recognized provider of sawmill machinery solutions that increase the efficiencies of our customer’s operations. Specializing in band mills, resaws, edgers and carriages, McDonough recently acquired BID Canada Ltd., experts in material handling systems. McDonough offers new and factory re-built sawmill equipment, all coming with the same 1-year warranty.

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