Dehumidification Drying of Lumber Short Course

October 8-9, 2015
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dehumidification drying can produce high quality kiln dried lumber with a small capital investment. This short course will provide practical knowledge about using dehumidification to produce kiln dried lumber, and the scientific background on related wood properties. It will have value for those kiln operators beginning to operate a dehumidification kiln and those considering the purchase of a dehumidification kiln. Instruction, by university faculty, will be both in the classroom and through hands-on lab exercises using our 1000 BF laboratory dry kiln equipped with a commercial lumber dehumidification system. For more details:
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 2, 2015 (5PM EDST), limit 25 attendees.
Phil Mitchell
Associate Professor and Wood Products Extension Specialist
Wood Products Extension
Dept. of Forest Biomaterials
North Carolina State University
1022 Biltmore Hall
Campus Box 8003
Raleigh, NC 27695-8003