Crosscut Solutions, Inc. Acquires SC Industrial Resource Group Inc.

Crosscut Solutions Inc. is proud and excited to announce the acquisition of the assets of SC Industrial Resource Group Inc. Crosscut Solutions would like to thank David Spencer for his leadership and dedication while he owned SC Industrial for the past several years. Crosscut Solutions has incorporated the Industrial Woodworking Machinery line into our existing line of cut off saws and specialty machinery.
It is Crosscut Solution’s intention to make this transition as seamless as possible It is also our intention to maintain most of the present vendors of the various parts to ensure that you will receive parts similar to what you have received in the past. We also plan on expanding the inventory of the common parts to enable us to offer quick shipments on those parts. This will ensure you, the customer, that parts will be available for your present Industrial Woodworking Machinery cut off saws and finger jointers.