Brewer Sets Record Year in 2013 by Using a Customer-Centered Growth Strategy

CENTRAL CITY, Kentucky – For almost 40 years, Brewer Machine & Parts, LLC has accomplished many successful transformations. However, Brewer’s greatest feat has just occurred as the company pays tribute to its customers for setting a record year in 2013.
Thank You for a Record Year
Paul Avery, the owner and president of Brewer, said, “I want to personally thank each of our customers for the faith that they placed in our company. Whether you were one of the many repeat customers or a first timer, we know that we owe our success to you.”
He continued, “I couldn’t be more proud of the Brewer team and how they supported our customer base in 2013. Production is moving orders through the plant at historic pace - meeting or exceeding deadlines. Also, our pursuit of unmatched innovation and quality assures customers receive the best business solutions and not just equipment. This is why so many customers have entrusted their investment with us.”
Customer Focused
Brewer’s most recent success stems from a comprehensive customer-centered growth strategy. Having a strong base of employees with many years of experience allows Brewer to offer expert insight to meet a wide variety of customer challenges. Whether you need fewer employees, cant shortage management, reduced downtime or valued business advisors, Brewer knows its success only comes after helping customers solve their problems.
“Our process begins with the extraordinary experience that our company possesses,” said Avery. Brewer employs four individuals with greater than 30 years of experience, four with more than 20 years and five with over 10 years. They combine this experience with modern engineering and automation technology to drive innovation that truly solves customer headaches.
Recent additions to the team have furthered the quality control department that was implemented two years ago. With a team review of control points throughout the entire production process, Brewer’s culture of continuous improvement is active on a daily basis.
Customer service has been upgraded with the sole purpose of minimizing customer downtime. Significant funds have been invested into stock inventory for reducing lead-time. Additionally, technology enhancements allow Brewer’s staff to dial into customer equipment for troubleshooting. This provides the possibility of correcting problems before a traditional service call technician could be dispatched.
Operations Investment
Fabricating complex automated machinery unfortunately takes more than a few welders. Brewer has invested a substantial amount of money to ensure its extremely accurate manufacturing facility is available to produce the highest quality machinery while minimizing expensive labor and overhead hours.
Brewer’s HD Gemini Plasma Cutter has drastically increased its capacity and quality assurance for customers. Continued investments in CNC machining technology, planning procedures, process engineering and additional floor space are being executed to sustain its growing business volume without hindering lead times.
Management Changes
There is nothing more effective than an owner being accessible to customers. This is why Paul Avery has focused his attention on directly supporting customers and their needs. Paul Avery stated that his involvement with hundreds of customers across the industry provides unsurpassed proficiency in solving problems for any size of operation.
Avery commented that he has enjoyed travelling and meeting many customers over the past year with the goal to make their plants more efficient and profitable. He said that the greatest pleasure of his job is “selling solutions – not just saws.”
“I receive great satisfaction in a customer not simply being pleased with our equipment; but sleeping better because their business has fewer headaches,” said Avery. During these travels, he found that customers really want a free consultant and not just a “sales guy.”
As a result, Avery will continue this time investment allowing Brewer to witness up close- not just hear about over the phone - market demands, changing trends and custom solutions.
To gain additional insight for marketplace needs, Brewer has created a product development position that enables a veteran engineer to spend technical time with mill operators. This has led to many improvements where its products can better serve customers. This technically detailed research balances Avery’s broader business view for a complete customer solution.
Also, a new general manager, Paul Kirtley has been hired to facilitate the interaction between these senior employees and customers. New managerial controls and reporting systems are being implemented to assure customers and investors that production will not diminish during increased travel time. These internal processes will be lean six sigma concepts for providing quality products which maximize customer return on investments. Great pains are being taken to ensure every customer receives the best plan that is executed in the most effective manner.
Upcoming Innovations
One of the top issues pallet manufacturers face today is raw material supply. To help customers with this problem, Brewer has engineered a scragg saw system that is “second to none.” It has the ability to take a log and turn it into finished pallet stock with one pass through the system. Additionally, its distinctive automation program ensures every log is optimized minimizing scrap of these scarce logs. Brewer’s Scragg Saw will allow pallet stock to be processed from low-grade logs, hardwood or softwood, empowering customers to become independent of cant and cut stock suppliers.
Avery stated that one other major production problem he saw visiting many plants was the need to change saw lines over many times a day. As a result, considerable product development hours have been spent on a new concept that will revolutionize gang saws according to Avery. Due to the patent process, Brewer cannot elaborate on any more details except for the fact that it will significantly reduce changeover times. Brewer is working hard to unveil the prototype at this year’s EXPO Richmond Show in May 2014. Please stop by Brewer’s booth to see how this innovative technology can transform your operation.
Exciting Future
Emphasizing a proactive strategic approach, Brewer’s future is brighter than ever. But even more inspiring is the belief in its customers’ futures. With the expected new pallet demands and impending product advancements, profitability should be strong for all parties involved.
Avery concluded, “I believe in this industry, its producers and our company. Exciting times lie ahead as we are positioned to support customers in obtaining their security and prosperity for many years to come.”
Make sure that your future is full of these opportunities and not headaches by contacting Brewer at 800-345-6516 or visiting its website at
Courtesy of Pallet Enterprise
Written by Ed Brindley, Ph.D.

A premier manufacturer in the wood, lumber and pallet industry. High production systems are custom engineered to fit specific needs.